Saturday, April 9, 2011

Where Costco Sampler's Get it Right

I avoid Sam's and Costco like the plague Friday through Sunday; not just for the crowds, but those darn sample tables. You have the annoying people that decide to graze and leave their cart in the middle of the aisle in order to eat free food. Now, I avoid the sample people like you would not believe and you can only imagine the glares I receive as I push on past. Ironically, it feels at times I am the only one there to shop. Anyway, on a non-weekend night I happened to be in Sam's and they had an On The Border table there. For those of you not in Cali - this is a Mexican restaurant and I am pretty fond of their non-chunky salsa. Zero pressure to try or stop by the table and I not only leave with a gallon of salsa, but a big bag of potato chips to boot. My point? I attend a bunch of networking events and if you are offering a food/skin care sample type product have samples for people to try. They are more apt to buy. Do not shove them down their throat however. I have been to more events where people try to slap wrinkle cream on my face or give me a sample of beet juice (yuck) where I have not asked. Keep samples on hand and be passive - sales will result.

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