Saturday, December 18, 2010

Santa's Favorite Foods

Well, this is not marketing, but I thought this was great information to share. Did you know that the average person gains 7 – 10lbs. between November 1st and January 1st? This is attributed to extra calories from holiday gatherings and being dissuaded from outdoor exercise due to cold winter weather … basically, people are eating more and burning less. According to fitness expert Monique Hollowell, CEO of Lafemme Mobile Gym there are easy tips you can follow to enjoy the holiday festivities without gaining the “holiday 10”.

1. Eggnog. This great tasting drink is one of our favorites, but packs many calories … approximately 257 cal for 3/4 cup! Still enjoy yourself and lighten it up with a low calorie and less fattening eggnog. For example: use low fat milk vs. whole milk or cream, use more egg whites and fewer egg yolks!

2. Your Merry Cocktails. Let's keep it light this season by choosing our 'better bad choices' of spirits. Try to skip the margaritas and many other mixed drinks that pack the calories. Chose a champagne, wine spritzer, red wine or sparkly mixers like gin and tonic!

3. Move more not less. It’s that cold time of the year when we want to hibernate and move less … but not this season! Park further away when you go shopping, take the stairs and not the elevator, take an extra walk/bike ride in the brisk winter air, take your clothes off the treadmill and walk for 30 minutes while watching your favorite holiday show!

4. Candy Canes. Yum, yum, and refreshing ... but a medium size packs about 14g of sugar! During this season, do not eat the full candy cane at once … share with a friend or consume over a few days.

5. 10 minute Winter Workout. Commit to at least 10 minutes a day to burn off those extra holiday calories. Run in place for 2 minutes, Jumping Jacks for 2 minutes, Body weight Squats for 2 minutes, Push-ups for 1 minute, Hallway walking lunges for 1 minute, Seated tricep dips for 1 minute and do a Core plank for 1 minute.

6. Healthy Winter Stews. Get in your lean meats and fresh veggies with a great pot of heart healthy stew. They are warm, satisfying, less expensive and are great way to satisfy your winter cravings a healthy way!

7. Try Squash variety. Winter squash is a great choice this season. It is packed with Vitamin A and folate! Utilize the variation of squash for a fantastic winter dish, you can grill them, bake them, or eat them raw!

8. Something is better than nothing. Who cares if you cannot get your full 1 hour gym workout in over the Holiday… just increase your intensity and lessen your time. During this season an 'all out' 20 minute workout can be better than a long 1 hour work out.

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